Category Archives: Railroading

From our smallest home-made K-scale (1:1957.5) to our largest home-made train (5 1/4″ gauge – 1:10 scale) and everything in between,
including our H0 indoor layout and G-scale outdoor garden layout.

Use CS3 and configure S88 sensors in Rocrail

With this tutorial, you will be able to use S88 sensors, connected to an S88 link, that on his turn, is connected to a Märklin CS3.Make sure your CS3 is connected to the same network as your PC with Rocrail, … Continue reading

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Christmas presents :-)

Aah, Christmas and New Year, a time of presents, a time of love …Here is an overview of the things that Christel and I bought for each other 🙂 Märklin set 41353 and 26360. (I bought set 26360 without a … Continue reading

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Using S88 (6pin flatcable) with S88link on bus 1 & 2 (CS3)

With my Märklin CS3, I use an S88Link, to use my S88 sensor modules.I have lots and lots of S88 modules, that still use a 6-pin flatcable version, instead of the newer network-cable version. On the S88Link there is however … Continue reading

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Use DMX in Rocrail (in combination with HA)

I have all my lights in my modelrailroad room connected with DMX.I can control it from within Home Assistant, and since shortly, also from within Rocrail at the same time !(A BIG thank you to Rob Versluis, to update the … Continue reading

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Putting all H0 rolling stock back into boxes

This weekend, I did put all H0 rolling stock that was displayed in our living room, back into the original boxes.All trains will be moved to my 2 enormous schadow stations. The idea is to not fiddle around with trains … Continue reading

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Use 12V COB LEDstrip for H0 passenger carriages

Until recently, I used regular 12V LEDstrips for my interior lighting inside my H0 passenger carriages.But I was not totally happy with it: sometimes a LED did not sit right above a compartiment,or was even placed on top of the … Continue reading

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Ultra-wide/regular touchscreens

Recently I discovered Ultra-wide and a regular touchscreen from WaveShare.They come in 2 flavours:– 11.9 inch (320 x 1480 resolution – 287.3mm x 69.1mm)– 7.9 inch (400 x 1280 resolution – 207.78mm x 69.8mm)– 10.1 inch (1920×1200 resolution – 217.91 … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – the build : CS3 *UPDATED INFO*

I finally unraffeled the “mistery” of communicating with the CS3. This page is dedicated to all this information 🙂 First of all, both CS2 and CS3 speaks the same language. They both use the CANbus to setup communication between different … Continue reading

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Loconet – Part V – Wireless Loconet

While using ESP32 for Loconet, we have WIFI onboard our microcontroller module.So, why not use it for wireless Loconet ?You could use one ESP32 as a “gateway”, that does the actual communication with the wired part of your Loconet, and … Continue reading

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Loconet – Part IV – More powerful controller !

While the Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega is “enough” for most projects, sometimes you need something more powerfull … In my case, I always grab an ESP32.Let’s begin with a comparison, ESP32 has a much more powerfull microcontroller AND has … Continue reading

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Loconet – Part III – Lots of I/O with only a few pins

Number of pins, you always have less pins available on your microcontroller, then you want …There is actually a simple solution for this, and the magic word is “I2C”.The I2C protocol let us communicate with other “devices”, over only 2 … Continue reading

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Loconet – Part II – Stationary sound decoder

I still had some DFRobot Mini MP3 player modules laying around.A stationary sound decoder, based on Loconet on one hand, and these MP3 player modules on the other hand, became to emerge as a new project. Those MP3 modules are … Continue reading

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Loconet – Part I – Introduction

No, this has nothing to do with LocoMotion (which I will continue in the future for sure …)Loconet is a protocol, designed by DigiTrax. Simply said, in a few words:Loconet can be seen as a “network topology” for modelrailroading.Modules are … Continue reading

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ESP32-Cam (and AZ-Touch as display)

While in my search for a cheap video monitoring system, I came across the ESP32-CAM.This is a very tiny and cheap camera (OV2640) with a max resolution of 1600×1200, with an ESP32 as the main “controller” of this “system”. (for … Continue reading

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Birthday present – Thank you Christel :-)

Because my H0 modelrailroad layout gets an upgrade in size (and staging yard), I need a few hundred extra C-rails.So, Christel ordered 15 KG om C-rails for my upcoming Birthday 🙂 Thank you Christel, for this nice present 🙂

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New trackplan + no music anymore

Throughout the years, I “tried” several other hobbies: making videos, RC cars, electronics, making “big” trains(scale 1/10 with my own lathe & mill …), making music …– Video-making I did start, because of the birth of my daughter (in 1998), … Continue reading

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Showing locomotive info on control panels

While my new layout will be bigger then my current one, I will start to use some control panels.You know control panels, with a graphical representation of (a part of) your model consists mostly out of “lines”, “switches” and … Continue reading

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New modelrailroad additions for 2021

I thought that 2021 was a very calm year for my modelrailroad “addiction”.Today, when putting together all information about new additions for 2021, it came as a surprise that my list was longer then expected …

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Some 3D printed projects in resin

As you already may know, I got a second resin 3D printer, an Anycubic Mono X. (as a second birthday present from Christel) Because this machines prints more then 5 times faster, and also has a bigger “printing plate”, I … Continue reading

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Orient Express passed in Belgium

On Tuesday, June 22nd and June 24th, 2021, the Orient Express passed in Belgium.Due to bad weather in the Swiss Alps, it was almost midnight on Tuesday, June 22nd (more then 5 hours delay),when the Orient Express almost passed at … Continue reading

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Another birthday present / LocoMotion delay

I already got a Märklin CS3 as an early birthday present, somewhere in February. As if this wasn’t enough, I also got a second birthday present ! I got another resin 3D printer. This time is was way bigger and … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – the build : progress on the 5″ screen

Today I finally found some time and energy, to start converting LocoMotion from the 3.5″ to the 5″ screen. Because I now have more “screen real-estate”, I made some subtle enhancements while in the progress of the “conversion”. 10 screens … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – the build : Aoyue 2703A+ 4-in-1-station *UPDATED, February 27th – 2021*

While sometimes needing a de-soldering station, I managed to get around things, without actually owning a de-soldering station. Until now … A while ago, I stumbled upon the Aoyue 2703A+, a 4-in-1-station !Functions:– de-soldering– Soldering – hot air-gun– fume extraction … Continue reading

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Early birthday-present: Märklin things !

Because of the development of LocoMotion, some things gained momentum. I was always looking at a Märklin CS3, but never felt the real urge to have/buy one … Until I started the development of LocoMotion !While making comparisons between Esu … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : a bigger screen :-) *UPDATED, February 28th – 2021*

A few days ago, I decided it was time for a “bigger” display.I did find a 5″ screen with 480×800 resolution, with an SSD1963 controller. This screen not only has the advantage of being bigger than my previous one (ILI9488 … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : graphic update

Something that bothered me for a long time already, was the color-scheme and overal presentation of the icons.Those TFT-screen do have a tendency to “discolor” the whole screen, when you look at them under an angle. With my new color … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : Valentine update

even tough it’s Sunday, I don’t have a lot of time to do some coding …Today was a Sunday the Christel had to work half a day, and it’s also Valentine !So, This morning I managed to repair the 22″ … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : Current status

Now that I’m finally able to take descent screenshots, It’s time to dive into the current status of this project.A lot of things have changed since the beginning of this project, so the “good quality” screenshots, do also contain some … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : technical chit-chat

*Caution: this posting contains a bit of technical inside of the LocoMotion project*Previous weekend, I did not post anything !Some of you became worried that this project was not getting the attention it deserved. Nothing like that, I have been … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : website online

While having only a few spare hours today, I managed to create a sub-part for the LocoMotion device.You can directly reach this part of the website via You can find the build-adventure, inside information, and firmware downloads …

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LocoMotion – the secret revealed :-)

Today I want to announce a major modelrailroad project ! Last Christmas, I got an Esu Ecos II as a present. Because I do own a lot of MFX locomotives, I needed a central command station that could handle MFX,MM-I,MM-II,MM-FX, … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – firmware download page

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LocoMotion – The build : captive portal

I needed a way to let the user change settings, without an actual connection to a WiFi network. (not only for first time setup, but also if something goes wrong along the way) The idea was to build a “captive … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : hardware and coding

Because I needed lots of buttons, and the LilyGo TTGO T8 module is somewhat limited in the numbers of IO-pins(as every ESP32 module), I decided what everybody would do in my situation.I added some PCF8575 (16-bit) and PCF8574 (8-bit) I2C … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : communication (with EcoS II) and screen testing

Today I managed to start the communication protocol with the EcoS II over wifi. Here is the description of the EcoS II communication protocolIt’s rather an old document (version 3, dated June 2011) but I assure you that this is … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – The build : battery testing

On the weekend of January – 16/17 – 2021, I started with writing down my ideas for the LocoMotion controller. I already decided on large parts of the hardware, and as I had already some parts laying around, I started … Continue reading

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LocoMotion – A little bit of history

Since I was a little kid, I was fascinated by model railroading … I had a (large) layout at my grandparents house.As I grow older, school, studies and girls got the upperhand of my interest.Until around 2004, when I suffered … Continue reading

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Digitally controlled pantographs

Since a short time, I do own a Märklin e-locomotive with digitally controlled pantographs.Because I do own quiet some e-locomotives, I wanted to be able to control the pantographs of all these locomotives. This weekend I created a prototype of … Continue reading

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Converting a Trix 22941 to Märklin 39241

A few years ago, Märklin released model of Serie 241-A, SNCF, one of the biggest steam-locomotives in Europe. At the time of release, I was ill for a long time (in hospital, in a coma, re-animated 3 times etc … … Continue reading

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My first H0-related 3D printed miniatures

This weekend was a productive weekend !I started printing my first miniature in H0-scale, for myself !First, I started off with a download of a VW beetle from thingiverse, this needed to be printed in 6 pieces:– 4 wheels– a … Continue reading

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Belgian 3D printed H0 railroad signals *UPDATED, June 1st – 2020*

Today I started printing my first H0 railroad-related items, with my Anycubic Photon-S printer.I managed to stick 18 signals onto the build-plate. It did take about 6 hours to print.Eventually, I will re-arrange the signals in the PWS file, so … Continue reading

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Another *different* 3D printer ! (SLA/DLP)

Now that I’m feeling fine again, my life can continue …In the meanwhile SLA/DLP printers became affordable. (a few year ago, prices were still between 5000 and 10000 euro, where it now has dropped to the sub-1000 euro category)So, it … Continue reading

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New modelrailroad additions for 2020

Hello all, Since I started feeling better and better over the past few months, we decided NOT to sell my modeltrains. (one lucky decision after all) Christel even bought some nice new things as a Christmas present, as a New … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ! *UPDATED, December, 30th – 2017*

Hi all, First of all, a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of our readers and their friends and family … It’s been a terrible year for us, we hope that 2018 will be much better ! … Continue reading

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I’m still alive ! (+ 2 pages full of pictures of new modelrailroad additions for 2017)

Hello all, It’s almost the end of the year, and funny enough, this is my first real posting in 2017 ! Due to ongoing health issues (2 weeks in coma, 3 times reanimated etc …), I was not capable in … Continue reading

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some modelrailroad presents to motivate Kris’ Health *UPDATED July, 27th – 2017*

While Kris was hospitalized, I did buy him some locomotives, to motivate his health process. (after all he has been trough, he deserved this) I bought him some locomotives, while some friends did send him some railcars to create a … Continue reading

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Santa Claus came by !

Also this year, Santa Claus came by. He left me with a great gift ! I got a complete Märklin “König Ludwig” set, included extension(So I have the loc and 5 coaches) and display & presentation stand … Furthermore, Christel … Continue reading

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Lots of new additions in my Märklin H0 collection !

Everybody who reads my blog on a regular base, knows that we had a “major incident” with our H0 collection. Somewhere in june, one of my cabinets, dropped from the wall on the floor. A lot of locomotives and railcars … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 10: Rathen (part 3)

And ofcourse, we had to take some pictures of the gardenrailway of the hotel 🙂

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Holidays – part 8: Rathen (part 1)

On Monday, we drove to Rathen, to visit the “Bastei”. We stayed in the “EisenbahnWelt” hotel, a nice hotel with a “Spur 1” gartenbahn in the garden of this hotel. (Which, as guests of these hotel, we could visit freely)

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Holidays – part 6: Dresden (part 4)

On Sunday, I had an appointment with Jens Steiner from the Eisebahnmuseum Dresden Alt-Stadt. Normally, the museum is open only one sunday every month, but Jens gave me and Christel a private tour trough the museum. Jens, if you are … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 4: Eisenbahnmuseum Chemnitz

Today, in the morning we did visit a local modellbau shop, named “Modellbau Peter”.  (you can also buy online) Every year when we go on holidays, I try to lookup a local modeltrain shop, in front of the holidays … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 3: Dresden (part 2)

Today, we had a very busy schedule. In the morning, we did take the sight-seeing bus to The Volkswagen glass factory. (They don’t make glass, but it got his name because it’s a complete glass “see-trough” buildling) In the past, … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 2: Dresden (part 1)

Yesterday we drove from Neuenmarkt to Dresden. We arrived in the Hilton hotel at around 2 PM. After checking in, we did a small sightseeing and visited the “Altmarkt Gallerie” (a Shoppin Centre) We did eat something on the Brühler … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 1: Dampflok-museum Neuenmarkt

Holiday season started for us 🙂 Left home on Saturday morning – september 27th, with a brand new car. We didn’t leave our street, or already a problem appeared with the internal navigation of the new BMW gran tourer 🙁 … Continue reading

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A new cabinet for my H0 Märklin trains :-)

It was already some months ago, that I was already thinking about building a new cabinet for the H0 Märklin trains. The old cabinet became to small, trains where already standing in 2 rows in this cabinet, only allowing us … Continue reading

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A very black day in the history of my modelrailroading hobby :-(

It was monday, june 13th – 2016. While watching the European Championchip Football, the match between Belgium and Italy (which we did loose by the way), that one of my closed cabinets came loose from the wall, with more then … Continue reading

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3D-printed DDA40X locomotive (Scale 1:32) for the garden railroad *UPDATED, December 29th – 2016*

While I’m still waiting for some paint and motors to arrive from China, to finish the EMD SW1500, I already started drawing / partitioning / slicing / printing a new one 🙂 This time it’s also an American diesel locomotive, … Continue reading

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H0 modelroad-related 3D printed parts

We are currently preparing to work on our long H0 module again. This module is 4m70 long an part of the bigger H0 layout. Because we want to be able to run trams and cars along this module,  we are … Continue reading

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Summary of new modelrailroad-related additions …

I collected a few new nice modelrailroad related items the past few months, so this is a little summary of all of it 🙂 1. Marketplace in H0 (Noch 15741), bought this during our holidays, at the Veluwse stoommaatschappij. 2. … Continue reading

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3D-printed EMD SW1500 locomotive (Scale 1:32) for the garden railroad

Christel like American locomotives, and as you know, she also owns a garden railway. Because I’m still recovering and nog beeing able to spend a lot of time on the mill & lathe, I decided to print some material for … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 7: IMA & Märklin days

Part 7 of our holidays feels like “comming home” 🙂 We have already been several times in Göppingen for IMA and Märklin opendoors … The last time was 4 years ago, but it still feels very familiar 🙂 We arrived … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 6: Faszination Gothard Bahn

Just outside Rörthenburg-ob-ter-Tauber (about 7 kilometers), there is a small town, called “Steinfeld”. In this town, you can visit “Faszination Gothard Bahn”, a Swiss-themed model railroad … I was a little disappointed while visiting this modelrailroad. (Maybe I have seen … Continue reading

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Holidays – part 4: Nördlingen and the Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum

The fourth planned stop during our holidays, was in Nördlingen. We visited the old city of Nördlingen, and also visited the Bayerisches Eisenbahnmuseum, where we made a trip with a 01 and 052 steam locomotives.

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Holidays 2015 – part 2: Technik museum Speyer (Germany)

The second planned stop during our holidays, was in Speyer. We visited the Technik museum … (Furthermore, we also visited to old city of Speyer and did some shopping)

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Holidays 2015 – part 1: Veluwse steam company (The Netherlands)

Our annual holiday started with the Veluwse steam company this year. We did visit them last year, but this year, it’s the 40th anniversary of the Veluwse steam company, so they had several guest-locomotives, and they organized a locomotive-parade for … Continue reading

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H0 scenery – Block of houses *UPDATED, November 23th – 2014*

Due to health-issues, I’m not able to do a lot on the modelrailroad. Also, I’m currently working half-time, because I realy need my rest ! So, a few small things, take up ages to complete ! Some time ago, I … Continue reading

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Eurospoor 2014

This weekend, we visited Eurospoor 2014. While years ago, we almost liked every modelrailroad on modelrailroad exhibitions, we became more and more “critics”. There was a lot of stuff we didn’t like anymore. However, we did like the French railroad … Continue reading

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My first H0 scenery – coalmine (top part) *UPDATED, November 9th – 2014*

Last week, I started building on the top-part of the coalmine. These are my first steps in H0 scenery, so this all is relatively new to me ! I started with a 6mm piece of MDF, 90cm x 50 cm. … Continue reading

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Some new modeltrain related stuff

During our holidays, we visited Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg (Germany), so we bought the MiWuLa car over there. Furthermore, there was a Märklin store about 4 kilometers from our hotel in Mettmann (also Germany), and they had some cars I … Continue reading

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A new friend: Christian from Denmark :-)

While visiting the VSM “terug naar toen” in Beekbergen (The Netherlands) last week, we met a nice guy 🙂 While taking pictures in the field between Beekbergen and Loenen, a guy came to me, reading out loud, what was on … Continue reading

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Holidays 2014 – part 6: Eisenbahnmuseum Bochum-Dalhausen (Germany)

Yesterday we visited the Eisenbahnmuseum Bochum-Dalhausen in Germany. We also made a trip with the schienenbus over the Ruhrtalbahn. It did take me a bit longer to get the pictures “up” on our website. First of all, a WordPress update … Continue reading

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Holidays 2014 – part 5(B): OktoRail in Essen (Germany)

Today we visited OktoRail in Essen (Germany) An H0 Märklin layout … Because Kris recently started filming in 3D, we tried something different. From now on, I will be taking pictures, while Kris record videos. Today, we both did take … Continue reading

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Holidays 2014 – part 5(A): OktoRail in Essen (Germany)

Today we visited OktoRail in Essen (Germany) An H0 Märklin layout … Because I recently started filming in 3D, we tried something different. From now on, Christel will be taking pictures, while I record videos. Today, we both did take … Continue reading

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Holidays 2014 – part 4: Schwebebahn in Wuppertal (Germany)

Today we visited the Schwebebahn in Wuppertal – Germany. The Schwebebahn is unique in the world, and was taken into service in march 1901. It’s 13,3 KM long and it takes about 40 till 45 minutes to go from Vohwinkel, … Continue reading

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Holidays 2014 – part 3: Veluwse Steam Company (The Netherlands) *UPDATED, September 7th – 2014*

Today and tomorrow, we will visit the “Veluwse Stoom Maatschappij” (Veluwse Steam Company) at the yearly “Terug naar toen”-days. For more info, please visit the VSM website. Here is a short photo-impression … (I also started filming again, so expect … Continue reading

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Holidays 2014 – part 1: Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg (Germany)

Yesterday we visited MiWuLa (Miniatur Wunderland) in Hamburg (Germany) In 2007, we visited MiWuLa for the first time. A lot has been changed since then, they now also have the Swiss Alps and a large airport 🙂 For more info, … Continue reading

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Nitinat River Railroad – H0

Last weekend, AMRA did held it’s yearly open house exhibition. ( ) Christel and I, visited this exhibition together. One of the guest railroads was “Nitinat River Railroad” (in H0) I made a short movie about this model railroad, … Continue reading

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Antwerp Model Railroad Association – open house exhibition

During the weekend of november 9th till 11th – 2013, AMRA (Antwerp Model Railroad Association) did held it’s yearly open house exhibition. (They also celebrated 50 years of excistence) Check out the website at I did take the opportunity … Continue reading

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Holidays 2013 – part 7: visit to Hermeskeil, Bernkastel, Bullay and Dieblich

In the morning, we did take the “Autobahn” to Hermeskeil. (It was a 142 KM drive, but at a speed of almost 200 km/hour on some parts of the highway, we made it in about an hour) We visited the … Continue reading

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Holidays 2013 – part 6: visit to the DB museum (Koblenz)

Today, we visited the DB museum in Koblenz. (DB = Deutsche Bahn = German railroad company) We were lucky, because today was also the day that the “Trix Express day” was held in the museum in Koblenz. (Trix is a … Continue reading

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Holidays 2013 – part 5: narrow-gauge train-trip

Today we made a train-trip on narrow-gauge, with the “Vulkan Express”.(Brohltalbahn from Brohl to Engeln and back) Fore more info about this narrow-gauge, please visit Furthermore, we had some “Apfelstrudel” at a terras, back on the way to the … Continue reading

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KMYCA – 27th international steamdays – part 2

On september 7th & 8th, KMYCA did hold it’s yearly international steamdays at “Rivierenhof” in Deurne. More info at Here you find the photo-impression of sunday – september 8th.

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KMYCA – 27th international steamdays – part 1

On september 7th & 8th, KMYCA did hold it’s yearly international steamdays at “Rivierenhof” in Deurne. More info at Here you find the photo-impression of saturday – september 7th.

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Holidays 2013 – part 3: pictures of the steam-engine museum in Medemblik

Yesterday, we visited the steam-engine museum in Medemblik. We also went to Enkhuizen and did have a “koop-avond” (buy-evening – all shops stay open till 9 PM). For diner, we did have Japanese food 🙂 We just arrived back home, … Continue reading

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Holidays 2013 – part 2: pictures of Steam-tram/boat trip Hoorn-Medemblik-Enkhuizen

Today we made “the trip” with the steam-tram from Hoorn to Medemblik, followed by the boat-trip from Medemblik to Enkhuizen, and a “regular train-ride” from Enkhuizen, back to Hoorn. (the last was a bit *boring*) I just uploaded our last … Continue reading

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Holidays 2013 – part 1: First pictures from Hoorn

Tomorrow, we will make a trip with the steamtram in Hoorn. Today we already arrived in Hoorn. We visited the steam-engine depot and workplace, and had a great diner in the harbour. I just finished uploading the first pictures, enjoy … Continue reading

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Download collection for my electronics projects *Updated*

During the past 5 years, I designed a whole bunch of electronic projects, You can see a list of all these projects, in the “Electronics” section. I collected all project-files into a few downloads. 1. Home automation related (click here … Continue reading

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Some new electronics to learn/play with … (for the KöF 5 1/4″)

For the 5″ KöF, I was looking into an android tablet (that I still had laying around) to control the locomotive. But after a second thought, I decided to create my own custom controller. This gives me the advantage of … Continue reading

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KMYCA – riding in the park

Every 2th and 4th sunday of the month, we have a “riding in the park”, with the KMYCA club. (If the weather is OK) Club-members can ride on the tracks in the park, with self-made locomotives (electric and live-steam), mostly … Continue reading

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Building a KöF in 5 1/4″

in september 2013, we visited the steam-days of KMYCA in “Rivierenhof (Deurne – near Antwerp – Belgium). We decided to become a member of this club. Because it takes some years to build a working live-steam locomotive, we decided to … Continue reading

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Album: Visit to the international steam days in Turnhout

As a yearly habbit, the Steam-group of Turnhout, did held it’s yearly international steamdays in may. As steam-enthousiasts, we visited this event.

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Overview of (model)railroad related *newest additions*

While migrating from the old website to the new one (in WordPress), I didn’t feel like converting all those “newest addition” postings … Instead I did take out all pictures from those postings, and grouped them together. Those newest additions … Continue reading

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Album: Happy Birthday Christel !

So, yesterday was Christels’ birthday. We enjoyed some good food and some nice drinks … Besides that, I also had some presents for my girl 🙂 Well, it was a “plan B” present ! During summermonths, I bought a live-steam … Continue reading

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Brutus – live steam G-scale – on the lathe

Dirk (Ardjoena) showed us his ‘Brutus’ on the KMYCA days in september. Once this was a club-project in the KMYCA club, where Dirk introduced it. This looks like an ideal (yet simple) loco to start with as a beginner … … Continue reading

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Our garden railway

Welcome to our garden-railway ! Last year, Christel already bought an LGB startset. (see september 2011 in the railroading section) This year, we decided to do a complete make-over of our garden, to include some LGB layout. We started somewhere … Continue reading

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KMYCA – yearly live-steam days

Due to the garden-railway, we became a member of the GrootSpoorForum. This forum is dedicated to 30,32 & 45 mm rail-based rolling material. In this forum, they also have a live-steam section, which did draw our attention, because we were … Continue reading

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I fired the laser (again) – H0 lasered buildings *UPDATED, August 31 – 2017*

After another week of illness, I finally start to feel better. Last sunday, I fired up the laser again, and the past few evenings, after work, I made some other funny things 🙂 I started using CorelDraw, since I bought … Continue reading

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I fired the laser – first lasered creations

Christel ordered for me a 50W CO2 laser machine for my upcomming birthday in april. But the machine arrived way to early 🙂 First test, some Belgian railroad signs … Filips did send me some files he made in Visio, … Continue reading

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Digital Car System

A while ago, I started thinking about implementing the FallerCarSystem onto my layout. It was clear that I wanted the Digital version, because I want my cars to start/stop very smooth, and not like the standard FCS, which suddenly starts/stops … Continue reading

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H0 factory build + interior

For the long (3m70) module, I bought the Marklin limited edition of the original Marklin factory set 72150. This building is 1m15 (45,5 inch) long and 29 cm (11,4 inch) high, when finished. Because this building will become a real … Continue reading

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H0 layout extension – modules in other garage

First of all, the past few months have been very quiet. This is mainly due to illness. At january 12th, 2012, I need to start with a new therapy for my HHC. You can compare this with chemo, I will … Continue reading

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Album: visit to the NMBS Antwerp North train workplace/maintenance depot

The NMBS (Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen = National Society for Belgian Railroad), did held an open house, during the weekend of september 26/27 – 2011. We visited the workplace/maintenance depot in Antwerp North.

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Album: Holidays 2011 – visit to Märklin days and IMA

During our september-holidays 2011, we also visited the Märklin days and IMA in Göppingen. Due to the large amount of pictures (about 89), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2011 – visit to Modellbahn in Wiehe

During our september-holidays 2011, we also visited the Modellbahn in Wiehe.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 297), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2011 – visit to Modellbundesbahn in Bad-Driburg

During our september-holidays 2011, we also visited the Modellbundesbahn in Bad-Driburg.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 409), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2011 – visit to Deutschland Express in Gelsenkirchen

During our september-holidays 2011, we also visited Deutschland Express in Gelsenkirchen.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 546), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2011 – visit to Ardenner Culture Boulevard

During our september-holidays 2011, we also visited the Modellbahnshow in Merklingen.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 60), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2011

During our holidays in september 2011, we visited several “things”, during a trip trough Germany (that started in the Belgian Ardennes): Caves of “Hannes-sur-Lesse” Ardenner Culture Boulevard Deutschland Express in Gelsenkirchen Modellbundesbahn in Bad-Driburg Modellbahn in Wiehe Wernigerode: Visit to … Continue reading

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Background pictures for the H0 layout

I digged up my Busch and Jowi CDRoms with nature/buildings/industrial/harbor/mountains/landscapes pictures on it.  I decided it was time to create the background pictures, for the whole layout.  I created graphical files with Gimp (free photoshop alike), at 300 dpi, with … Continue reading

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Some electronics for the H0 layout

The last weeks, I did spend some time on watching “Lost” (all 6 seasons), and soldering some Velleman kits. I do have a CNC machine (Elektor Profiler), and normally I would like to create schematics and PCB myself, but since … Continue reading

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H0 railroad layout – current status

I just made a little movie (4 minutes and 9 seconds), about the current status of the HO layout … Enjoy 🙂 Click here to see the movie

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H0 real working traffic lights

I started building some traffic lights … A modelrailroad friend of mine, asked me for a solution to control his modelrailroad traffic lights. Because I also need some traffic lights at my new layout, I started building a configurable traffic … Continue reading

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Album: visit to Ontraxs in Utrecht

We visited the modelrailroad exhibition “Ontraxs” in Utrecht …

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The building of Diorama “The cargo dock” (scale 1/35)

In our new cabinet, we have about 3 large glass shelves, each 90 cm x 90 cm (35,43 inch x 35,43 inch), on each shelve we are going to put a diorama. The central theme of each diorama, will be … Continue reading

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LED controller for momentary switched modelrailroad turnouts

Since a few months, I (and Christel) became proud members of MAG (Modelrailroad Club Agfa Gevaert). For the current modelrailroad project, they were looking for a way to have “control LEDs” on a synopic board, to indicate the position of … Continue reading

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Album: Holidays 2010 – visit to Modellbahnshow in Merklingen

During our september-holidays 2010, we also visited the Modellbahnshow in Merklingen.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 553), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2010 – visit to Schwarzwaldbahn in Hausach

During our september-holidays 2010, we also visited the Schwarzwaldbahn in Hausach.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 257), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2010 – visit to Schauswanzlebahn in Blumberg

During our september-holidays 2010, we also visited the Schauswanzlebahn in Blumberg.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 218), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2010 – visit to Faller in Gutenbach

During our september-holidays 2010, we also visited Faller in Gutenbach.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 95), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2010 – visit to Miniland in Munchen

During our september-holidays 2010, we also visited Miniland in Munchen.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 538), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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The *new* H0 layout …

Back in april 2010, we started with the renovation of the second garage. We teared down the wall between these 2 garage, and dit put an iron I-beam under the roof, to “hold it up” … I installed airco/heating, laminat … Continue reading

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My entry for a contest: “Weathering for modelrailroad”

On the Dutch 3-rail forum, they organised a photo-contest, based on Weathering for modelrailroad. I still have my WR360, so I did take some pictures, and send them in.

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H0 modelrailroad – the end of a chapter …

Back in october 2008, we started with our H0 modelrailroad. We did this in our first garage. The situation was not that optimal at all, with a workbench located underneath the layout (due to space limitations), but hey, we could … Continue reading

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Building another BR52 Steam locomotive *EXTRA* (scale 1/35)

We currently have 2 Trumpeter BR52 sets laying around (don’t ask !) … So, Christel also started to build one ! Today, she completed building steps 1 & 2, before she can continue on step 3, the extra LionRoar PE … Continue reading

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Märklin globe in cabinet with twinkling stars

On April 12th, 2009, the Easter-bunny brought me a present … Actually, today I drove about 312 kilometers to get my Easter-present 🙂 (156 KM in one direction) A trip from Ekeren, to somewhere above Utrecht, (with a bag full … Continue reading

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Building closed-shelf cabinets (for H0 models)

Due to some illness, I was not able to work on my modelrailroad layout for some months. So, I did spent a lot of time (and money) on Ebay, which results in the fact that I now own more trains … Continue reading

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Building a BR52 Steam locomotive *ORIGINAL* (scale 1/35)

In our new cabinet, we have about 3 large glass shelves, each 90 cm x 90 cm. The idea came to mind to put some “big” locomotives on these shelves. So, I started looking around, and noticed that “gauge 1” … Continue reading

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Building a gondola (scale 1/35)

The WR360 will be part of a diorama (number 2 in a set of 3 diorama’s), and so I needed 2 extra gondola’s to put behind the WR360. Here you can follow the building of those gondola’s. Due to my … Continue reading

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The building of Diorama “The loc shed” (scale 1/35)

In our new cabinet, we have about 3 large glass shelves, each 90 cm x 90 cm (35,43 inch x 35,43 inch), on each shelve we are going to put a diorama. The central theme of each diorama, will be … Continue reading

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The building of Diorama “Crossroads” (scale 1/35)

In our new cabinet, we have about 3 large glass shelves, each 90 cm x 90 cm (35,43 inch x 35,43 inch), on each shelve we are going to put a diorama. The central theme of each diorama, will be … Continue reading

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Building a WR360 C12 Diesel locomotive (scale 1/35)

In our new cabinet, we have about 3 large glass shelves, each 90 cm x 90 cm. The idea came to mind to put some “big” locomotives on these shelves. So, I started looking around, and noticed that “gauge 1” … Continue reading

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Album: Holidays 2009 – Modellbahnwelt Oberhausen

During our september-holidays 2009, we also visited “Modellbahnwelt Oberhausen”.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 645), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2009 – visit to Märklin Erlebeniswelt

During our september-holidays 2009, we also visited Märklin Erlebeniswelt in Göppingen.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 135), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2009 – visit to Madurodam

During our september-holidays 2009, we also visited Madurodam in Den Haag.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 359), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Album: Holidays 2009 – visit to Railzminiworld Rotterdam

During our september-holidays 2009, we also visited Railzminiworld in Rotterdam.Due to the large amount of pictures (about 426), I created a separate album for these pictures.

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Short-coupler on Märklin Hogwarts Express

I do own the Marklin Hogwarts Express, aka the Harry Potter train. (which is actually a Hornby set, but who cares) Because the coaches were to far apart, I decided to put Ribu shortcouplings underneath it, do minimize the distance … Continue reading

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Album: Modelrailroad exposition – Mechelen

We visited the “Modelspoor Expo” in Mechelen. A 2-yearly event, organized by Modelspoormagazine. Please enjoy the pictures 🙂 (about 222)

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